Conference on criminal policy (Cadiz, 16-17 July 2020)

On the 16th and 17th of July, the Spanish and Portuguese national groups of the AIDP organized in Cadiz a common conference on criminal policy. The activity did consist of a conference on actual topics under legislative revision, such as life time imprisonment, offences against sexual liberty, fundamental rights and criminal justice, euthanasia and the reform of the Spanish criminal procedure. In parallel was aso organized a two-days conference in which a selection of call of papers of young penalists were presented and discussed on topics such as economic and financial offences, artificial intelligence and criminal justice, international criminal justice.
At the closing session both the rector of the University of Cadiz and the Spanish Minister of Justice did express their gratitude. The Minister of Justice did underline the importance of the criminal policy recommendations for the ongoing reforms in the Spanish legislative agenda in parliament.
These important events were organized by the new elected Presidents of the Spanish and Portuguese Associations, Prof. dr. Adan Nieto and Prof. Anabela Miranda Rodriguez and of course in loco at Cadiz University by the great efforts of Prof. dr. Maria Acale Sánchez, new elected vice-President of the Spanish Association.
Our warmest regards to the new elected colleagues and our sincere congratulations for the quality of the work and the perseverance to organize it in the difficult setting, combining restricted presence and online streaming.