In Memoriam. President M. Cherif Bassiouni (1937-2017)

It is with deep sadness that we announce the passing of President M. Cherif Bassiouni (1937-2017). We lose a person of high moral value that has dedicated a great part of his life, both professionally and personally, to the AIDP. After having served the Association as Associate General Secretary (1972) and Secretary General (1974-1989), he was elected as President at the International Congress of Vienna (1989) and served three terms as President, until he was appointed as Honorary President at the Congress of Beijing in 2004, remaining fully involved in the scientific activities of the Association and in the dissemination at all policy levels. Cherif has also been the driving force and President until very recently of the Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights (formerly ISISC) of Siracusa (Italy), that he developed in a very important institute in the area of international criminal justice. His high specialization and significant expertise in the field of international criminal law led him towards the highest duties as expert of the United Nations, by which he was very influential on the setting up of the ICC.
We will always remember Cherif as a man with great charisma that used all his talent to strive for justice and fight against serious human rights violations, wherever in the world.
John Vervaele
See also:
- M. F. H. Hirsch Ballin, 'In memoriam Cherif Bassiouni', Nederlands Juristenblad 2017, 1983
- M. Pisani, Ricordo di Cherif Bassiouni (1937-2017), Riv. italiana di dir. e procedura penale, 2017
- Marlise Simons, M. Cherif Bassiouni, War-Crimes Jurist and Human Rights Champion, Is Dead at 79, New York Times, October 4, 2017
M. Cherif Bassiouni Memorial Ceremony, October 29, 2017, Chicago Symphony Center. Buntrock Hall. 220 S. Michigan Avenue (Chicago, Illinois, USA). October 29, 2017 (4 :00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.)
Rio de Janeiro (CIPF): One-minute of silence in memory of President Bassiouni. One-minute of silence in memory of President Bassiouni at the inauguration of the 4th Congress of the International Committee of Francophone Penalists, organized in collaboration to the AIDP Brazilian National Group in Rio de Janeiro (September 28-29, 2017). Interventions of the AIDP Honorary President, José Luis de la Cuesta, and the Secretary General, Carlos Eduardo A. Japiassú; also in attendance the President of Brazilian National Group, Carlos Eduardo Machado, and the President of French National Group and of the International Coordination Committee of the Francophone Penalists, Jean-Paul Céré.