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RIO XIXth Congress: a great success

The quinqunnal Congress of the International Association of Penal Law took place in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) from 30 August to 7 September 2014. Nearly 400 participants gathered from around the world.

International Congress of Penal Law are indeed a privileged opportunity to exchange experiences and new contacts. The resolutions debated and approved by Congress, and since the first in Brussels in 1926, helped to affirm the position of the Association on key issues of the Penal Law and Criminal Policy, and had to significant impact on the standards system of states and internationally. The theme for the 19th International Congress of Penal Law, "Information Society and Criminal Law" was analyzed as well as the traditional four perspectives of the Association (general criminal law, special criminal law, criminal procedure and international criminal law) from the proposed resolutions discussed at four preparatory Conferences which were held in Verona (Italy), Moscow (Russia) to Antalya (Turkey) and Helsinki (Finland), organized by groups national AIDP concerned, whom we would like to sincerely thank.

Two awards were presented on that occasion:

  • The Hans-Heinrich Price Jescheck that the AIDP awarded with the Max Planck Institute of International Criminal Law and abroad Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany, and rewards an original line of research and long-term the most high scientific value and impact in the criminal Law and / or international or supranational criminal law (including criminal procedure).
  • The Syracuse Award, which distinguishes the work of a young criminal lawyer, member of the Association, which makes an original contribution and of high scientific value in criminal law and published in the first edition in the previous five years. This prize is awarded jointly by the AIDP and the Higher Institute of Criminal Sciences in Siracusa (Italy).