UN Congress on Crime Prevention: AIDP will organize three “ancillary meetings”

During the meeting held in Siracusa last December, the Executive Committee of the Association agreed to participate in the Thirteen United nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, which will take place in Doha from 12 to 19 April 2015.In this occasion the AIDP will organise three ‘ancillary meetings’ to the Congress.
The first one, organised in collaboration with the International Institute of Higher Studies in Criminal Sciences (ISISC), deals with “Information Society and Criminal Policy” and aims to present the result of the last AIDP Congress held in Rio last September.
The second is dedicated to “Systemic institutional fraud and corruption” and is organised together with the ‘sister organisations’, i.e. the greatest international association acting in the field of penal and penitentiary law and criminal policy, criminology and victimology (SIC-ISC/ SIDS-ISDS / IPPF-FIPP / WSV). The main purpose of this meeting is to underline the connections and links between corruption and the systemic issue of institutional fraud, or the fraud of large companies with transnational effects.
The third meeting, also organised with ISISC, focuses on “International cooperation in criminal matters in the XXIth century: towards a new approach?” The objective of this meeting is to elucidate some crucial aspects that could help the international community to address the weaknesses of the existing framework on international cooperation in criminal matters.
For further information on the ancillary meetings to the UN Congress, click here.