2024 M.Cherif Bassiouni Siracusa Prize
The International Association of Penal Law together with the Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights, are launching the call for nominations to the “2024 M.Cherif Bassiouni Siracusa Prize”, that will be awarded on the occasion of the XXIst International Congress of Penal Law, to be held in June 25-28, 2024, in Paris (France).
The Siracusa Prize was established in 2009 in order to grant the work (an individual monography, published as a book with ISBN) of a Young Penalist, member of the AIDP-IAPL, which constitutes an original contribution of great scientific value in penal law and which has been published the first time within the last 5 years.
The members of the jury who have been designated are:
- President: Piotr Hofmanski
- Lorena Bachmaier
- Kanako Takayama
- Stephen C. Thaman
- Francesco Mazzacuva
- Milena Sterio
- Juan Carlos Manriquez
- Jean-Paul Laborde
- Rosaria Sicurella
All AIDP-IAPL members are invited to send proposals by email before 15 January 2024, to the President of the Jury: Piotr Hofmanski (secretariat@penal.org). The proposal should:
- clearly identify the author, who must be a Young Penalist of the AIDP-IAPL, as well as the nature, main features of the work, and other relevant information concerning the publication;
- contain a copy of the table of contents/the summary, the introduction and the conclusions, and a short comment (max. 1 page) in English, French or Spanish, on the contents and main scientific contribution of the proposed work;
- indicate, if it was submitted to an academic evaluation, the nature of the evaluation and the mark obtained.
Authors who already have a worldwide reputation such as members of the Board of Directors and of the Executive Committee of the AIDP as well as members of the Board of the Siracusa International Institute are not allowed to candidate.
Before 15 February 2024, the jury shall establish the list of works to be considered. The authors will be invited to send before 5 March 2024, an electronic copy and five paper copies of their work to the President of the Jury: Piotr Hofmanski (secretariat@penal.org).
The Jury shall deliver its decision by simple majority voting before 25 April 2024. The decision of the jury shall be final and no appeal is permissible against it. Should the jury conclude that none of the works merits the award, the Siracusa prize will not be granted. The jury may award one or more work with exceptional distinction if they are of special scientific value.
2024 M.Cherif Bassiouni Siracusa Prize
Kei Hannah Brodersen, Longer Than Life - How the ICTY Strengthened the Rule of Law in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia, The Hague: Eleven International Publishing, 2020
2019 M.Cherif Bassiouni Siracusa Prize
Miren Odriozola-Gurruchaga, Autoría y participación en Derecho Penal Internacional: los crímenes de atrocidad, Granada: Comares, 2015
Marie Nicolas-Greciano, L’égalité des armes devant les juridictions pénales internationales, Institut Universitaire de Varenne, 2016
2014 Siracusa Prize
Els De Busser, Data Protection in EU and US Criminal Cooperation, Antwerpen: Maklu, 2009
Marianne F.H.Hirsch Ballin, Anticipative Criminal Investigation. Theory and Counterterrorism Practice in the Netherlands and the United States, The Hague: T.M.C. Asser Press 2012
2009 Siracuse Prize
Michiel Luchtman, European cooperation between financial supervisory authorities, tax authorities and judicial authorities, Intersentia, 2008