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International Colloquia

Considering the high cost of organising preparatory colloquia and the relatively low visibility, the decision was made to reform preparatory colloquia into international colloquia.

The following conceptual changes are part of this proposal: 

  • First, the traditional 4 aspects would remain as well as the comparative law approach based on questionnaires, national reports, general reports, special or global reports, etc.
  • Second, the aim of adopting resolutions would remain also, however the international colloquia would each adopt final resolutions that would not be discussed again at the Congress to avoid duplication of efforts; rather they would be endorsed by the COSC and approved at the Congress.
  • Third, at each international colloquia scientific contributions linked to the topic could be added to the programme.
  • Fourth, international colloquia would be open to AIDP members and non-members but only members can vote on the resolutions.


International Colloquia:


SECTION 1: "Traditional Criminal Law Categories and AI: Crisis or Palingenesis?", Syracuse, Italy, September 14-17, 2022


SECTION 2: "Old and New Criminal Offences: AI Systems as Instruments and Victims", Bucharest, Romania, June 13-17, 2023


SECTION 3: "AI and Administration of Justice: Predictive Policing and Predictive Justice", Buenos Aires, Argentina, March 28-31, 2023


SECTION 4: "International Perspectives on AI: Challenges for Judicial Cooperation and International Humanitarian/Criminal Law", Opatia, Croatia, December 6-9, 2023