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UN Congress on Crime Prevention: AIDP will organize three “ancillary meetings”

During the meeting held in Siracusa last December, the Executive Committee of the Association agreed to participate in the Thirteen United nations Congress on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, which will take place in Doha from 12 to 19 April 2015.In this occasion the AIDP will o


Le prochain Conseil de direction se tiendra les 12 et 13 juin prochains

Like every year, the Board of Directors of the International Association of Penal will convene in June in Paris. The planned dates are Friday 12 June and Staurday 13 June 2015 at the Cour de Cassation.


Meeting of the AIDP Executive Committee in Siracusa

AIDP COEX Siracusa

The Executive Committee of the AIDP met in Siracusa on December 6, 2014 under the authority of his new President, John Vervaele for its winter meeting, in the margins of the Executive Board of the International Higher Institute in Criminal Sciences (ISISC). Among topics discussed during this so-called "COEX", the question of the format and periodicity of the quinquiennial Congress of the Assocation was addressed, following suggestions made during the Rio Congress.


RIO XIXth Congress: a great success

The quinqunnal Congress of the International Association of Penal Law took place in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) from 30 August to 7 September 2014. Nearly 400 participants gathered from around the world.

