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Conference of the Portuguese Group of the AIDP on "Artificial intelligence and criminal law"

On the 20th of November 2020, the Portuguese Group of the AIDP held a Conference at the University of Coimbra, a joint organisation of the Institute for Legal Research of the University of Coimbra ( and the Portuguese Group of the AIDP (, with the scientific coordination of the President and the Secretary of the Group, Prof. Anabela Miranda Rodrigues and Dr. Miguel João Costa respectively.


Young Penalists webinar on "The impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on the rights of accused and detained persons"

On 11 December, the Young Penalists group of the AIDP will organize a webinar on “The impact of the Coronavirus pandemic on the rights of accused and detained persons: comparative insights from the scholarship and the praxis”. Click here for the program.

Participation is free, but a previous registration is required in order to get the access information to the online platform.


Digital meetings of CODIR and COEX - September 2020

Dear Members, Dear Friends,

As you already know, our annual meetings scheduled for 25 and 26 September 2020 were supposed to take place physically in Paris with virtual participation of those who cannot come.


Conference on criminal policy (Cadiz, 16-17 July 2020)

On the 16th and 17th of July, the Spanish and Portuguese national groups of the AIDP organized in Cadiz a common conference on criminal policy. The activity did consist of a conference  on actual topics under legislative revision, such as  life time imprisonment, offences against sexual liberty,  fundamental rights and criminal justice,  euthanasia and the reform of the Spanish criminal procedure.


AIDP CODIR - Paris, 25-26 September 2020

Dear Members, Dear Friends,

As you already know, our annual meetings traditionally held in Paris in June have been postponed to 25 and 26 September 2020.


First virtual meeting of the AIDP

On 5 June 2020, the Executive Committee of the AIDP met virtually for the first time in the history of the Association to discuss the issues in the agenda. The meeting was attended successfully by 17 members from the entire world: China, Brazil, Unites States, Spain, Italy, Argentina, Luxemburg, Belgium, Sweden, Egypt, France and Croatia.


M. Cherif Bassiouni, A Man of Many Flags

M Cherif Bassiouni was a towering figure in international law. He was personally connected to some of the most historically relevant moments of the past century: the Suez War; the Camp David Accords; the fall of Muammar el-Qaddafi in Libya and the establishment of the International Criminal Court. A true global citizen – raised in Egypt, educated in Europe and emigrated to the United States – his life cut across cultures and religions.


AIDP June Paris meetings postponed to September

Dear Members, Dear Friends,

The whole world is now facing a tremendous challenge and many of the AIDP members, us included, are living under confinement rules. We are all struggling with different problems in our professional and private lives that the pandemic and the reaction to it created. First of all, we wish you all the strength you may need in these difficult times.


La política criminal ante una nueva legislatura & Call for Papers

The Spanish and Portugues groups of the AIDP are organizing a conference on "The criminal politics before a new legislation" (La política criminal ante una nueva legislatura), which will take place on 16 and 17 July in Càdiz, Spain. For the full program, click here.


Siracusa Institute's Call for ad hoc Researchers & Analysts

The Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights is looking for ad hoc Researchers and Analysts (RAs) to join a newly created roster to assist the Institute  with its current and potential future projects, and training and research activities. RAs will mainly contribute to research, analysis and data collection.

For the full Call and to apply, please click here

