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"Dr. José Luis Díez Ripollés" International Award

The University of Malaga, in collaboration with the Criminal Law Department and the Malaga Section of the Andalusian Inter-University Institute of Criminology, has announced the first edition of the "Dr. José Luis Díez Ripollés" International Award. The aim of this competition is promoting research development in Criminology, Law and Criminal Policy, disciplines on which Professor Díez-Ripollés has based his academic career. 


Conference on "Les conditions de détention" (Paris, June 2)

The AIDP, in cooperation with the French Cour de Cassation, the Association Française de Droit Pénal and the École Nationale de la Magistrature, is organizing a conference on "Les conditions de détention" at the Grand’Chambre de la Cour de cassation of Paris on Tuesday, June 2 at h. 17. You can find the program clicking here.


Seminar on liability before the ICC for crimes committed during the war in Ukraine

The AIDP Polish National Group organizes on 11 March an online seminar on liability before the International Criminal Court for crimes committed during the war in Ukraine. It will be held in Polish and is open to scholars and practitioners. In particular, the seminar will address the problem of gathering evidence of international crimes in view of the ICC proceedings.


Scholarships for participants from Ukraine

As a sign of support from the AIDP and the Siracusa International Institute to the people of Ukraine, the AIDP offers 3 scholarships to participants in person from Ukraine to the Specialization Course in International Criminal Law.

For further information:


21st Specialization Course in International Criminal Law for Young Penalists

We are glad to announce the 21st Specialization Course in International Criminal Law for Young Penalists on “The Changing Landscape of International Justice” that the Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights is organizing in presence at the headquarters of the Siracusa Institute, located in Siracusa, Italy from May 23 until May 28, 2022; online participation will also be allowed. The course is sponsored by the International Association of Penal Law (AIDP), the Irish Centre for Human Rights, National


Francophone edition of the Specialisation Course for Young Prosecutors on International Criminal Justice (CSJP)

The Francophone edition of the Specialisation Course for Young Prosecutors on International Criminal Justice and Cooperation in Criminal Matters (CSJP), co-organized by the Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights, the International Association of Prosecutors (IAP) and the Association Internationale des Procureurs et Poursuivants Francophones (AIPPF), will take place in Siracusa (Italy) from 16 to 21 May 2022. 


Passing of Professor Dr. Mireille Delmas-Marty (1941-2022)

It is with deep sadness that I share with you the passing of Professor Dr. Mireille Delmas-Marty (1941-2022).


El sistema penal ante la inteligencia artificial (Elche, Spain - 3-4 March 2022)

The AIDP Spanish and Portuguese groups will organize an international meeting on "El sistema penal ante la inteligencia artificial" on 3-4 March 2022 at the Universidad Miguel Hernández in Elche (Spain)

Click here to download the Program and to register.


2022 Happy Holidays

To all our national groups and members, affiliates and friends 

Also 2021 has been a challenging and difficult year for most of us. Our professional and personal lives did remain virtual to a large extent. 


9th International AIDP Symposium for Young Penalists

The 9th International AIDP Symposium for Young Penalists on "AI and Criminal Justice: Trust, Conflict and Power" will take place in Frankfurt on 16-17 December 2021.

Click here for further information and to download the Program.

