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Elections 2019

The Association will elect its new President and renew the composition of its Board of Directors at the Association’s General Assembly, to be held in Rome (Italy), on November 16th, 2019, on the occasion of the XXth International Congress of Penal Law. The nominations should be presented before15 September 2019. Candidatures proposed after this date will not be taken into consideration. See Activities /The Life of the Association/Elections 2019


Decisions of the Juries of the 2019 Jescheck Prize and the 2019 M.Cherif Bassiouni Siracusa Prize

The decisions of the Juries of the Prizes awarded by the AIDP have been made public in Paris, on the occasion of the meeting of the Board of Directors. The award winners are:


Jeschek Prize

Christine Van den Wyngaert

Steve Thaman



Annual Conference of the Romanian Association of Penal Sciences (Bucharest, May 17, 2019)

The echoes of the Annual Conference of the Romanian Association of Penal Sciences - the Romanian National Group to the AIDP/IAPL "Current Issues of the Criminal Law at National and International Level" organized on May 17, 2019 with the support of the Romanian-American University at its headquarters from Bucharest, Romania and as with every occasion (see, for example, the last Conference of the Romanian Association of Penal Sciences - the Romanian National Group to the AIDP/IAPL “Multidisciplinary Approach in the Field of Prevention and Combating Cybercrime” of 17.11.2018 organized at the P


AIDP XX International Congress of Penal Law “Criminal Justice and Corporate Business”, Rome, 13-16 November 2019

The AIDP XX International Congress of Penal Law “Criminal Justice and Corporate Business”, organised by the Italian National Group in collaboration with Luiss Guido Carli University, will take place in Rome on 13-16 November 2019.


The Austrian National Group celebrates its 45th anniversary in 2019


On this occasion, the Austrian National Group organized an academic ceremony, which took place at the Grand Ceremonial Hall of the Austrian Supreme Court in the Palace of Justice in Vienna in the presence of the president of the AIDP Prof. Dr. John Vervaele. The president of the Austrian National Group, Prof. Dr. Otto F. Müller, welcomed many guests in his opening speech, among them the highest-ranking representatives of the Austrian judiciary and universities.


Italian-Argentine Seminar, Buenos Aires (April 30, 2019)

We are pleased to invite you to the Italian-Argentine Seminar on Criminal control of Migrants in Argentina that will be held at the Faculty of Law of the University of Buenos Aires on April 30, 2019, organized by the Department of Penal Law of the Faculty of Law-UBA; The Argentine Group of AIDP and the Argentinean Association of Professors of Penal Law.

María Ángeles Ramos, Deputy Secretary General, ADIP

Carlos Eduardo A. Japiassú, Secretary General, AIDP



Happy New Year 2019!!


The Year of our XXth Congress

Rome, Italy, November 13-17, 2019


 * * * * *

To all our members, collaborators and friends 



Conference on "Toward an integrated enforcement of banking regulation"

The University of Luxembourg is organizing a Conference on "Toward an integrated enforcement of banking regulation" on 29 and 30 November. Click here to download the program. 



The International Association of Penal Law together with the Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights, are launching the call for nominations to the “2019 M.Cherif Bassiouni Siracusa Prize”, that will be awarded on the occasion of the XXth International Congress of Penal Law, to be held in November 13-16, 2019, at Rome (Italy).



Memorial Ceremony for Professor M. Cherif Bassiouni. Siracusa International Institute. September 23, 2018

In the presence of the President of the Italian Republic, a solemn Commemorative Ceremony dedicated to Professor M. Cherif Bassiouni took place on Sunday, September 23, at the Siracusa International Institute for Criminal Justice and Human Rights.

